Press - Prensa - Posters - Flyers...
Find below a small recollection summary of Press entries and links that can be regarded either as memorabilia or maybe credentials of a long and dedicated professional career. Find more images here.
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Brochure front page of our Tango Clases at the beginings of Alma de Tango activities in June 2001, Brisbane, Queensland.

Poster advertising our Tango Clases at the beginings of Alma de Tango activities in June 2000, Brisbane, Queensland.

Historic front page: Brisbane Classes year 2001 Brochure. Histórico: Frente del folleto de clases del año 2001.

Historic Poster of our Classes at the Latin Beat Academy in 2000. In the photo Maria Fjellheim conducting a class.

Advertising of our Cruise Tango Show and Milonga across the Timor Sea. Year 2009.

Poster od our 3rd International Teango Festival in Australia. Year 2003 featuring Melanie Berry and Maria Fjellheim.

Advertising appeared in the Buenos Aires Tango Magazine "El Tangauta" year 2001.

Tango Workshops Schedule Year 2001

Ad poster of a Northern Queensland Tango Tour, photo with Maria Fjellheim.

Poster advertising our Tour in Townsville and Cairns Year 2002.

Our first Academy shirts image

Image: Maria Fjellheim

Flyer about our Workshops year 2002 in Brisbane

Top enter: we appear in the Poster First Korean Tango Festival

Poster about our 2nd International Festival in Australia.